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An empty space not that empty

There’s an image that always impressed me: Rubin’s Cup.

What to you see? A cup or two persons facing one another?

The empty space means something to us because of the contours. Their shape triggers a moment of recognition, followed by a memory of how a face is shaped.

Most people are fascinated by these optical illusions, however, I think this is particularly illustrative of the way we view reality.

Reality has layers. Requires perspective. Different levels of interpretation.

Sometimes when we look at something, we miss what’s in the space between, or what the empty space outlines, like the faces. Other times, it’s a matter of perspective and you may see things in a different way. I remember that entry video in an Apple Keynote about seeing things differently. What in one perspective seems chaotic, move to another angle and contains a message that makes sense.

There are other kinds of empty spaces. In our knowledge of reality, in our life, and often we see those as a bad thing. But, you know, I think that every empty space contains an opportunity.

The empty space in our house can be decorated stimulating our imagination.

The empty space in our knowledge stimulates our desire to know more.

The empty space in our heart is the ideal condition to be available to listen (truly listen) others.

We live in a universe full of empty spaces immersed in mystery that make us wonder what's beyond all there is, and we search. What I’m trying to say is... if you look hard enough, there always one thing you’ll find in empty spaces…

... meaning.



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