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A book is an extraordinary voyage full of surprises. Expect the unexpected. A fiction that triggers your imagination. A non-fiction that inspires you to be better, pay attention to your surroundings and thrive to explore reality in its multiple levels of understanding. I'm always curious to see where this voyage leads ...
Fé, Ciência e Sociedade em Diálogo


in Portuguese

Life is made of several paths. And paths are made of several steps. This is what you will find in this small book, which is in Portuguese. These steps make a whole that is not equal to the sum of its parts, but represents something new. Something that results from a new culture because it has been renewed and inspired by an Ideal: unity. These paths develop in the profound conviction that only a dialogue made in unity, in this “know-to-loose” to “make-yourself-one” with the other, can ever hope to harmonize faith, science and society in each “being-love” that you are.

O que faz de uma prática uma «Boa Prática»
Uma abordagem cristã da ética ambiental

ISBN-978 989 618 269 4

in Portuguese

What makes an ethical pratice a good practice? Discover how a Christian approach to environmental ethics (regardless of being a religious person or not) allows to point a new way of making your life more ecological through a greater awareness of what makes an everyday pratice a good ecological pratice.

Transformar os Limites em Possibilidades
Silvestre Marques, Miguel Panão, Pedro Vistas (Eds)

ISBN-978 972 540 334 1

in Portuguese

This book emerges out of the multidisciplinary dimension of Ethics in Limit-Situations. But in its development it became an interdisciplinar book where several experts in their fields (medicine, philosophy, engineering, mathematics) find ethics as place of encounter. Ethics is approach from its most fundamental sense, that of Being discovering himself in the interiority of taking action. Acting and Being find themselves in a horizon where being and relation coincide. Limit-situations are critical moments that concentrate possibilities of genuin existence. Thus, ethics in the limit may open new paragraph of the book that is you, with relationality transforming our limits in possibilities.

Challenges in Science and Faith
Questions from a Catholic converted to Atheism


It is not unusual when someone who is a catholic no longer believes in God and turns to atheism. The challenge is when it happens to someone close to you, a friend. That's what happened to me. During conversations with my friend about this change in belief system, he made 12 questions challenging the dialogue between science and faith. While answering, I discovered the opportunity atheism is to deepen the reasons of one's faith, and the challenge of trying to write to open-minded atheists. Therefore, even if this book is written by someone with a religious experience, I try to address believers and non-believers alike because what unites both is a real treasure: doubt.

Pessoa como Comunhão


in Portuguese

What's the meaning of person? How do we become persons? The answers to these questions have two possible paths. The first leads to the affirmation of an "I" defining us. The other path meet the "other", different than myself, and its center is in the reality of comunhão. It becomes clear that our center of ethical action could be communion, and the source of our being, love as self-giving love. These thoughts develop in consonance with the document "Communion and Service" by the Theological International Commission. This document is the second part of this short book. In many ways, that document is a confirmation and a challenge.

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